With the basics of my blog now in place, I can focus on other parts of the blog that I would like to build.

I've been writing notes for an aggregator of sorts that would subscribe to content streams. These content streams can then be shown on my blog. RSS would be the initial type of stream that I would offer as these are open and simple to integrate into the blog. Other types of content streams may follow if I decided to incorporate them into my blog. This aggregator will then be displayed on its own page or on my blog's sidebar if I choose to put it there.

One of the great blogging platforms that I miss the most is Posterous. The idea of this blogging platform was simple yet highly effective. Instead of writing your posts in a password-protected section of your blog, you write your posts with email and mail them to your blog. Starting small by being able to email posts without titles would be a good start. Posts with titles and attachments would then follow.

Cross-posting to Twitter is definitely something that I want to include in the blog. It's more the shorter posts that I would post on Twitter, but not all of them. I think for this a simple checkbox would be sufficient.

Building my blog using Rails has been a great way of making something that I can experiment with more. It's also something that I can create at my own pace. The blog is still using the CDN version of TailwindCSS, WebPacker hasn't been set up, and no there aren't any tests.

This isn't a business system or a product, though, so I can afford to do these things in my own time. It just feels good to be writing code in Rails that I don't need to worry about too much and can do in my own time.