Patrick Rhone imparts some much needed opinions on the argument that paper is broken.

But I’m here to tell you that paper is not broken. I refuse to accept that premise because it can’t be proven. In fact, the opposite is far more likely. I don’t have to back it up, charge it’s battery, change it’s format to be opened by something else once the app maker goes out of business, or let it co-exist on a device with a hundred other things competing for my time and attention. It’s a technology that’s a couple of thousand years old and has worked reliably, virtually unchanged, in that time. It’s better than any digital solution in fundamental ways. Not the least of which is the fact that it has been proven to last for a thousand or more years given the right care.

Paper is not broken by Patrick Rhone

Another argument against digital devices is the fact that many digital devices like this pride themselves on being thin but then provide inferior ways of organising pages within this thin device. They might offer search facilities which usually takes longer than I can find a page in my own notebooks.

Notebooks on the other hand have depth and visibility. Although closed I can see at a glance all the pages in my notebooks. If marked right I know right away where everything is without even opening it.