I've been carrying a pocket notebook with me everywhere I go for the last few years but it hasn't been until this year that I really started to use it on a daily basis.

The idea is simple. You keep a pocket notebook on you to capture ideas, thoughts and anything else that you'll need to remember at a later date.

No matter what profession you find yourself in, the most essential function of the pocket notebook is to provide a place to capture the ideas that spring to mind throughout the day.

The Manly Tradition of the Pocket Notebook by The Art of Manliness

You might think it's a little over the top but how many times have you tried to remember something that came to you a few hours before but you couldn't? Unless you already have a place for these then I imagine that for most of you it's quite a lot.

It used to happen to me all the time. I started using email to capture moments like this in Todoist, but that was the wrong place to capture them.

Instead I took the advice of Patrick Rhone and started using a notebook to capture all these little loose ends that come to me through the day.

It's been a decision I haven't regretted and become such an engrained habit in my day that my notebook goes with me everywhere.

At the moment I'm still working through a couple of pocket Moleskine notebooks, but I'll be using the Field Notes notebooks when my first subscription arrives in a few weeks.

I keep my notebook in a Nock Hightower with a few index cards if I need to hand some information out. It also has space for a couple of pens and I also keep my headphones in here as well. Seems as good a place as any and it means all I need to lift if I'm going out is my keys, wallet, phone and Nock. I rarely go anywhere without all four.

A pocket notebook might get you stares and a few questions about it, but for capturing those bits of info you might need to remember later on, it can't be beat.