I released a new version of the Ghost theme I use for this blog last night.

In an effort to kickstart the blogging habit again, I looked at my blog and ways that I think it could be improved in terms of readability.

Improved readability

The previous version of Daring had a default font size that was far too small. Even on my MacBook Pro at 1280px wide the font size difficult to read. I've bumped the default size up to help.

I've also made the width of the content area slightly wider and reduced the padding of the content area. I'm trying to use as much width as I can without pushing the sidebar column and the content column too close together.

More themed elements

I've also included a number of themed elements for the blog. The bar at the top is nothing more than a bit of decoration on the page and there is additional styling for submit buttons you might have on a contact form.

This is just another step towards producing a quality Ghost theme for people that don't want to use huge banners and images for their blogs.

After a week of considering closing this blog and starting afresh elsewhere I've decided against this move. I'm trying to kick-start the blogging habit for October and so this week is a spell of light blogging to get me started. Expect more frequent writing here from now on!