Last week was the funeral service for my uncle who suddenly passed away a couple of weeks earlier. The sudden shock of his passing is still there, but there's something else there. Something I'll always remember him for. Not only was he the nicest guy and a loving husband, dad and grandpa and of course uncle, he had a great taste in music.

My family are huge music fans. My mum, dad, aunts and uncles all appreciate a wide variety of music. Hardly surprising given that they all grew up in a time where The Beatles and The Rolling Stones ruled the music industry and the world. My uncle's taste in music was no exception.

I remember many Saturday nights spent at his house playing with my cousins and running round the house causing chaos while the parents all sat in the living room with a few drinks and the music echoing through the house. I often wonder now if the music was played loudly to block out the rampaging kids! That music echoing through the house definitely rubbed off on me though. I can say without a doubt that I do like lots of music from the same era.

My uncle's funeral service included a couple of his favourite songs and have prompted me to dig back through the archives for those albums and the albums that I also grew up listening too. I might not have grown up in the golden age of music, but I do have an appreciation for the my uncle's taste in music. And without a doubt, it was impeccable.