Remember blogrolls? So do I. They were a great way of finding other blogs to follow. Here's a selection of blogs that I'm currently reading.

Annie Mueller

Annie is a freelance writer with a deep knowledge of productivty, personal growth and writing. After a brief hiatus from the Internet, Annie is back with a new website and great new content.

Belle Beth Cooper

Belle's love of her notebooks isn't the only reason I'm reading her blog. Her monthly reviews and consistent blogging makes her blog a joy to read.

Curtis McHale

Currently based in British Columbia, Canada, Curtis writes openly about the trials and tribulations of freelancing, writing and products he’s working on as well as family life and of course cycling. Just the right mix of categories I would say that almost mirror my interests.

Kurt Harden

I first started following Kurt’s blog, Cultural Offering, on the recommendation of Nicholas Bate a few years ago. What I love about Kurt’s blog is that his is more of a journal than anything else. Political stories, current affairs, sports, family life and of course the occasional shots of what’s being cooked on the grill. A true slice of life on the American side of the pond.

Michael Wade

I’m always envious of bloggers like Michael who continually turn out not only excellent posts, but posts that make you question yourself and your work. Michael’s posts take the form of random thoughts, quotes, links to other blogs, link posts and topical news.

Nicholas Bate

It’s hard say when I first started reading Nicholas’ blog and how I found it, but it’s been required daily reading for me for at least the last five years.

Patrick Rhone

Writer, curator, Mac fan, thinker, family man and blog hero. Did I miss anything? It’s hard to put Patrick into one box when his blog lets you know that he isn’t just good at one thing. He’s great at many things.

Last Updated December 2017.