Inspired by this post by Leo Babauta, I've started to compile a list of articles that I frequently return to for inspiration and motivation.

Breathing Space by Steve Hodgson

A little reminder that we all need breathing space to reconnect.

One of my favourite words has always been ‘desultory’ as coupled with the idea of pottering about and doing things for pleasure. My aim is to allow some breathing space every day by cultivating some or all of these activities every day:

  • Reading for pleasure. Mindfully, as if each book were to be discussed with a fellow-reader or a book group
  • Listening to music
  • Write something (by hand) for pleasure. Perhaps notes or thoughts on a book, one of those rare letters to a friend or an outline for a blog post (as I’m writing this by hand now)
  • Take walks, but with a purpose, even if only to see things in familiar locations.
  • Play with and listen to family members.
  • Regularly enjoy a small glass of something, but slowly and with pleasure.

Consulting by Matt Gemmell

Matt's 15 minute guide to consulting is required reading for anyone who wants to consult or like me, needs a refresher of what consulting should be.

Being a consultant is about diplomacy. It’s about being a fact-finder for the client’s issues, and an interpreter for their wishes and business goals, and a translator between the domain of a difficulty, and the necessary steps to solve it. It’s also always about being an ambassador for the real stakeholders, which are usually the customers.

A Time for Things by Patrick Rhone

The nudge needed to get those things off the list.

That list of things is a wish list, a someday-maybe list, but it is not a task list until you commit a time for those things getting done. Those are things you hope to do — not things you are going to do. Know how I know you are not “going” to do them? Going is an action verb. It means you are in the act of committing a forward movement. Anything staying motionless on a list is not forward movement. Putting a time on something to be done in the future, then moving towards that time, means going to do something. And you are not going to do any of those things unless you do.

Being Introverted by D. Keith Robinson

I'm glad to see that after Susan Cain's TED talk there is more of an acceptance of introverted individuals.

I’ve always thought it was kind of strange, my desire to be alone, but as the years went by as I learned more and encountered people even more introverted than I am, I began to realize that it’s not all that strange, and that there is great benefit in this time.

Create Something Every Day by Stef Lewandowski

Stef had a near-death experience before his eyes were opened. Don't let that be you.

I won’t couch this as some kind of structured process. I decided on a very simple rule. Roughly, every day I’d have created something, and being one of those people who’s okay at lots of things but not amazing at anything I’d go for variety. There’s a simple measure – when you go to sleep at night, ask yourself what you’ve made that day.

Dear Freelancer by Aaron Mahnke

A nice reminder of why I do what I do.

You bet your livelihood, and sometimes that of your family, on your ability to get things done. You talk to strangers, believe that people you’ve never met will send you real money, and abuse substances (namely sugar and caffeine). These are things we teach our kids to never do, but you’ve somehow turned them into an art that generates results.

How To Do A Startup On The Side And Not Lose Your Family by Eric Farkas

Eric's post is a reminder that although your startup is important, there are other priorities in life that come first.

On a regular basis, leave the laptop on your desk and take your kids out for ice cream, or go for a walk around the neighborhood. Life is short, and you don't get these years back. Be flexible.

Life Tips 101 by Nicholas Bate

I've long been of fan of NB's blog. His life tips are essential weekly reading.

No piece of technology can yet be as creative as your brain at its best. Look after it.

Take the risk. It's enough. by David Lewis

The risk is definitely worth taking when it's a new idea for a book or a product.

You want to make something that impresses your mom, that makes your ex-girlfriends regret dumping you. Something your father shows off to his colleagues. Something that makes your wife blush with pride.

36 Lessons on Habits by Leo Babauta

Habits have to be one of the hardest things to keep going, but I'm finding that Leo's 36 habit lessons are a great place to start for building a new habit.