I cleaned out my RSS feeds over the weekend. The following feeds have been removed for different reasons:

I've also found a few blogs that have been added to my feeds list:

  • Engine Yard Blog - I don't have anything deployed to Engine Yard, but they're always producing good content from a developers perspective.
  • Iand.net - Ian Dick is a fellow dev from Scotland with a blog that has a good mix of content.
  • Scribbling.net - I have always been a fan of Gina Trapani's work. Even though she's not part of the Lifehacker team anymore, it's good to see she's still writing
  • The Art of Manliness - There we were, me and the boys trying to entertain ourselves when we hit upon the idea of making paper airplanes. Took it to the next level though and made some paper airplanes using the designs from this blog. What more reason would I need to subscribe?