Skipping the TDD cycle isn't always a bad thing to do. After all, sometimes you just want to write code.

Over the holidays I had some free time. An idea has been in my head for most of the year, but I never got round to scheduling anytime to work on it. I decided now was the chance to throw something together to see if this idea was worth exploring. To change things up a bit I decided to not follow my usual practice of TDD. Some might call that laziness and that might have been a minor factor, after all it was the holidays and this was just me trying something out, but the major factor in skipping TDD was that I had the knowledge to build the application quickly. Over the course of a couple of days I put together the first attempt at implementing this idea.

Aside from a couple of typos and minor bugs, the application is working fine and doing its job. The bugs were just oversights made by myself during those two days and they were easy to fix once found. I'm not surprised by the this as it is a simple application comprising of some basic CRUD operations and a single Rake task. Once everything was looking good, I deployed the application so that I could see it running for a few days. After a week it was clear that all was in working order. I've shared the idea with a couple of people who have so far been positive about it.

Now being a good developer I mostly write tests before I write code. It's the TDD way. This time though I skipped the tests in favour of getting something basic up and running. I had the knowledge and I ran with it. It was supposed to be just a prototype after all.

In the past I've stuck with using TDD when building even the smallest of products. At that point in my career however I was a less experienced developer. I was still figuring things out. The tests made sure that everything was working as I stumbled through different parts of the product. Now though, I have the knowledge and confidence to throw small web applications together without writing tests to in order to explore simple ideas for web applications.

Is it still a prototype then now that it has been shipped and is being used daily? Yes and no. The line between prototype and product is definitely blurred here. I would have to say that until the code itself was backed by a test suite, it's still just a prototype, an idea. So why not trash the code I have at the moment and start again from scratch using TDD?

I could, but I already know what code I need to write. Do I really want to scrap the whole thing knowing that I'm just going to write similar code again? In an ideal world I would probably do this but I knew it would be a while before I got free time like this again. The next obvious step then would be to add tests to the prototype and gradually refactor this code into something more stable. Something ready for the masses.

TDD is still a great practice to follow when writing software, but I think there's a time and a place for it. When writing software as part of your job, for a client, or as a contribution to an open source project, then yes, TDD should be used in these cases, especially if they are expected of you. However, when you are exploring code, ideas and simply playing around then I think it's down to yourself to decide. And if you decided not to TDD, don't sweat it.

TDD might be advantageous when learning a new language or framework but when you have the knowledge to build something quickly then why not. If it's worth pursuing further then start writing tests for the code that you have before things start to get more complicated.