I'm going to give Twitter another go but this time just as a broadcasting tool.

In the past I've been against using Twitter. For me it became too much noise and watching my stream day in and out was becoming difficult to manage. I could have scaled back the number of people I followed but after choosing to stop using Twitter, it was clear I wasn't missing out on much.

The people who I like to follow already keep their own sites and blogs updated on a regular schedule. I already follow these people using RSS feeds from their sites and blogs. It doesn't make much sense to 'subscribe' again to these people through a different medium.

And yet, I do think there is a use for Twitter. Ever since I read a post about the use of Twitter as a broadcast medium (sorry, can't find the link!), I've wondered if that's how I should be using Twitter?

So far a month, I'm going to activate my Twitter account again and point my site's RSS feed to Twitter. I've set myself a number of limits though.

  • My Twitter account will be a broadcast only account. No tweets, favourites or reposts will come from me personally. The only tweets I will be making will be fed from my RSS feed.
  • I won't be interacting with others on Twitter. If a tweet receives a reply in the form of constructive criticism then I'll endeavour to contact that person through email.
  • My account will remain private. Strange I know, but I want to get a handle on the number of people that follow me. In the past I've had to continually block unwanted followers on Twitter. I've no idea what their engineers have done, if anything, to clamp down on spam accounts. The best way I see to get control is to accept each follow request as they come in. With my account only posting links from my blog, I don't expect to see many follow requests and the bulk of them that request to follow me should be genuine enough.

We'll see how it goes.