There's a new age of celebrity available now. They offer more in the way of entertainment and you can even find celebrities who aligned with your own interests. Who are these new celebrities?

For years I've seen the activities of celebrities reported in newspapers and magazines. Every week it seems there's some fashion faux pas made, another check into rehab, or just opening their mouths to say something loud but clearly wrong. I see it as a depressing form of entertainment to follow and one that doesn't give any actual value. With reality television programmes providing an steady stream of new celebrities to add, it seems like there's no end in sight. Well actually there is.

We often class a celebrity as a well known famous person in the public media. Actors and actresses, sports people, singers and even business people are all classed as celebrities. It's been this way for years now, but where else can find celebrities that offer more in the form of entertainment and value? The Internet of course. A platform consisting of millions of celebrities. Through blogs and publications, there are millions of celebrities out there for you to follow, and they're just a click away.

A few of these celebrities I follow are Patrick Rhone, Nicholas Bate, Curtis McHale, Michael Wade, Kurt Harden and many others. You might recgonise some of the celebrities I follow, you might not. For me though they trump anything that any celebrity magazine can offer. Every day my RSS reader fills with their latest activities and drama. They publish on an open platform for the world to see and yet they are often ignored in favour of more conventional celebrities. If people choose to ignore these new celebrities then it's their loss.

This is just the tip of the iceberg though, there are millions of celebrities out there in different circles just waititng to be discovered and followed. You just have to look in the right places. Start with blogs that fall into your interests, there's always someone posting great content in any topic you can find. Search your favourite social network for interesting people in your field or look to mailing lists that offer a condensed form of entertainment straight to your inbox.

There are millions out there waiting to be discovered.