For most of my career I've worked on a number of applications, systems, websites and other software projects. The majority of this software has been business critical software. When working on software like this, you have to keep in mind that you're delivering value with the software and in turn the business. This might be a retailer, a service provider or some other business. While it's easy to see the value you are providing, sometimes it's hard to see the value that this company provides to others.

In the last couple of weeks though I've been working on a project for a client that has some real rewards and benefits. It's a website that provides speech therapy exercises to kids. Parents login for their kids who in turn carry out a series of exercises assigned by their therapist. Once done, the kids fill out a little assessment form and their done. It's clear to see that this will have some real long term benefits for those that will use the website.

Another reason I can see the benefits in this is that my nephew who is turning three this year, has had trouble in the past with his speech. Due to problems with his hearing, his speech didn't come as it does with other kids his age. He ended up becoming more and more fustrated as a result of having difficulties in communicating with his family. After the problem with his hearing was identified and resolved, he was referred to a speech therapist and we've started to see real progress in his speech. It's amazing to watch the results.

With my nephew in mind, it's a real pleasure to work on software that will be used to benefits others. It's such rewarding work.