Last week I hurt my back while lifting my youngest son. Five days on and the pain is still there. This latest episode of back pain and many more before it are now putting ideas in my head that it might be time for a standing desk or even a desk that can switch between standing and sitting. There's still a few obstacles though to this.

Is it really beneficial?

I know there's been a lot of talk in the developer community about the benefits of a standing desk but like many of the new ideas that come from the software community, I take each one with a pinch of salt. It's not that I think sitting all day is fine and healthy, it's not, it's just that I've just yet to see a link to the medical research done to back up this claim that standing is definitely healthier for you than sitting.

The last thing I want to do is move from a sitting desk to a standing desk and then run into even more problems with my back. As humans, we're all unique. What works for some people may not work for others. I'm quite a big guy in terms of height and weight. Would I really benefit from switching to a standing desk or would I be causing myself even more pain?

I enjoy sitting

The other problem is that I do enjoy sitting. It's not because I'm lazy or over-weight, I just enjoy sitting. Programming, writing or even sketching, I enjoy it more when I am sitting. My work space is setup to compliment my sitting position and everything around me is within easy reach. I could change all this with a standing desk, but then I would need to change a number of things like my monitor, my keyboard and mouse space, and basically everything else on my desk. This isn't just a switch from one keyboard to another, this is a big change in the way that I work.

I'm already productive

At the moment I am fairly productive through the day but that's because I get up and take frequent breaks, I eat a balanced diet through the day and of course I opt to drink water through the day rather than soda. These don't take away the back pain, but it keeps me healthy and stops my energy levels dipping in the afternoon. While I try to keep as healthy as possible, would having a standing desk really benefit me in the ways that so many other standing developers have seen?

I'm not convinced that I would switch to a permanent standing desk, but having the ability to switch between the two would be something I would be interested in. I'm still thinking on this for the moment and I don't see me making any drastic changes over the next year. Perhaps I might try standing for a couple of hours a day and work solely on my MacBook so that I don't need to move too much about on my desk.

Before I consider a standing desk seriously, there's also the issue of finding the right chair to sit in. Before all the frenzy around standing desks happened, people were quite happy to sit while working. The Herman Miller Aeron proved to be a very popular choice of chair for many developers, but I couldn't justify spending that amount of money on a chair when I first started working from home. I'm currently using a chair purchased from IKEA. It provides me with a comfortable place to sit during the day but it definitely lacks in any adjustability I need to do to change my sitting position through the day.

Maybe a better chair is all I need for the moment?