Social networks are a funny thing. They allow people who are shy or uncomfortable in crowds to be as vocal as they like. I often wonder though if this is less common than people might think. I assume that there are many others like me who use the internet hundreds of times a day. Announcing their arrivals at locations, updating their status on an hourly basis and posting their lives to the world as if they are the star in their own reality TV show.

I definitely don't do this.

My social networking habits have rarely changed in the last few years. I keep to myself mostly, engage with others when I want to and only contribute when I'm sure that I am correct in what I am saying. It's a reflection of who I am when I am around people. A quiet listener. I don't say much unless I'm confident in what I am going to say.

One of the problems I have is that initial reach out to someone, whether that person is physically in the room, or another avatar in the world of social networking. Reaching out online is easier, but I still hesitate a bit when I'm making that initial introduction. I always thought that when social networks started with Facebook and Twitter, I would be more engaged with people than I am at a conference or meet up. Turns out I was wrong and the reason is that if that person is in the room or on the other side of the world, I always will be hesitant in making that first introduction. It's just who I am.

And that's enough for me as an individual. I use my voice online when I have to or want to. Mostly when I want to. If I have to say something, I usually think about what I am going to say first before committing to clicking the button that publishes your inner thoughts for the world to see. In that case, most of the time I'll scrap the idea of posting what I have to say and let it slide.

Does your online personality reflect who you truly are as a person?