I've been using Unread on my iPhone since it's launch and it is a joy to use. I star the articles I want to remember so that I have a list of them in my Feedbin account, then I share the article to my reading list. Simple right.

My only niggle is that I have to do these as two separate actions. Why can't they be combined?

Far be it from me to dictate the features of an application written in a language I have no knowledge of, but if these steps are coded into the app, then why do I have to do them individually? Surely there must be a way of allowing me to combine the actions I want to take when I star an article?

This isn't a dig at Unread or it's developer but what I'd like to see more of in applications is automation. One gesture or action to star an article and share it to the places I want to.

The argument against this would be that some people might just select every network and blog they're connected to and share it everywhere which is silly, so maybe limit the number of actions that can be combined to three maybe?

With a growing number of social networks, bookmarking sites and other blogs, it can take some people a number of gestures to share an article to the places that they want to. Why can't we combine these into one?