I've probably read close to a dozen posts over the last week on setting resolutions. Half of the posts I read were "how to" posts, offering advice on setting resolutions and following them through. The other half were not so much about resolutions but more about actual people's plans for 2014. Two posts really stuck out for me though.

Curtis McHale is a Wordpress developer from British Columbia and is currently self employed. I read his blog for the whole of last year. What's impressive about Curtis is that he is one of the few people I know who set their intentions down for 2013 publically on his blog and also followed it up with a detailed review at the end of the year. That's real and honest accountability.

That's where many people fail in their resolutions for the year. Lots of people make resolutions for the year but most people keep them to themselves. If you truly want to succeed at your intentions this year then let someone know about them. You don't have to write a blog post about it, you can simply let some family or friends know. The key thing is to let someone know who will not accept your excuses for giving up on your plans.

You've probably noticed the use of the word intentions in that last paragraph. This leads me onto my second recommended post about resolutions and that is Patrick Rhone's post about his plans for 2014. Patrick dismisses the word resolutions and uses the word intentions instead to describe what he plans to do this year. It might be enough of a change if you name them intentions that it will increase your chances of seeing them through.

Seeing the success that others have had with their intentions has opened my eyes a bit to perhaps setting my own for this year. Even though it's well past the start of January, it's never to let to lay down some intentions for the next year, month or even day. Just make sure you let someone know that you're doing it so they can follow you up on it after a while.