One habit I've managed to sustain this year is my daily reading list. It grew out of the fact there I have subscribed to some good quality content in the past and I was trying to set aside time at the end of the week to read it. Due to the volume of posts I was eventually left with at the end of the week, I decided a couple of years ago to start making a habit of starting my day with reading.

It started with a collection of blogs that I read first thing every morning.

Now these guys might not post every single day, but every day there is at least a handful of posts from some of them. What's important here is that no two blogs are the same. They're distinctly different and that's what makes reading them every day so easy to do. There's diversity and the posts that I read are all on diffent topics.

The last thing on my daily reading list is James Shelley's Caesura Letters newsletter. Every week day you receive an email with a post on a specific topic. You won't find any techno-babble here or gimmicky productivity tips. James Shelley's newsletter is a daily call to action to make you continually think and and re-focus yourself. The Caesura Letters is deep reading but it's a great way to start the day.

The thing about the daily reading list is that it's more of a learning tool than anything else. The items on my daily reading list are there for a reason. They're a source of knowledge. Not every post has a treasure of information in it, but the amount of posts I save for myself are an indicator of how useful they are to me.

Patrick Rhone has some other suggestions for daily learning tools if you're interested.