Plain text files. I love them. They're portable, easy to manipulate and work with hundreds of different tools. The only thing about them I don't like is they are a nightmare to organise.

Unless you've got an indexing and search tool that does all the hard work of collating them together, you're screwed. Now add to the mix that not all my files are in plain text. I've got an increasing number of documents that are PDFs, spreadsheets and even a few Word documents. It's getting out of control.

In the past I used Evernote, but at the time I felt I didn't have a need for such a tool. I didn't have clients, invoices, projects, ideas, side-products, documents and other stuff all vying for my attention. This stuff needs to go somewhere. Somewhere that I can find it again.

So I'm considering Evernote again. I had no issues with it in the past other than I wasn't using it to its full potential. There's definitely a place for it in my list of everyday tools. I've got so much going on just now and the last thing I need is to be wasting time looking for documents or notes. I need this stuff and I need it fast. Let's hope that Evernote can fit my needs.