A while back I talked about looking to get back to mind mapping again but in the last few months I've found it quite a struggle to get back into it. I just don't feel comfortable with it anymore. It just doesn't flow as much as I thought it would. In fact I've found it quite cumbersome.

The ideal mind map radiates from a central topic and breaks out into branches that represent related topics. These branches break down further and further until you've got to the topic you need. The problem is that mind maps only radiate from the center. By the time I've added a number of top level topics I've already ran out of space on my paper and no, mind mapping software is not the answer. I'm strictly a pen and paper person when it comes to that initial capture.

So I've decided to jump back to scketchnoting again. I looked at this a while back, but I didn't give it enough of a chance. Now that I'm armed with the Mike Rhode's book on sketchnoting, blank notebooks, blank index cards and a pen, I'm ready to give sketchnoting a fair try again.

The thing that I like about sketchnoting is that it's more freeform than mind mapping. While mind mapping is restricted to a radial layout, sketchnoting can take many different forms of layouts. You fill your page in a way that makes it easy to read. I'll be sketchnoting various things like book notes, quotes and other things just to get the practice in.