During one of my capture sessions from my inbox, I came across this question in Eric Davis' newsletter from his book on long term contracting:

What's your end game?

It resonated with one of Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective people:

Begin with the end in mind

The idea is that in order to know what you want to do, you must first decide what your destination is going to be.

It got me thinking about what direction I am taking my freelancing business in and where I am going to end up. I certainly want to continue to be self-employed for the foreseeable future, but what exactly will I be doing in the future? More freelance work for clients? Consulting? Selling products? I'm not too sure.

I have had work experience with health organisations in the UK including some work in risk management for those organisations. I have prototyped a number of risk and decision management solutions in the past that did interest me. Could I apply this knowledge to building similar products now? Possibly.

Although maybe my destination lies more closer to home. Maybe I'll end up doing something outwith the world of web applications. One thing's for certain. If I'm to progress as self-employed for as long as I can, I need to work out what my end game is for my freelancing business.