My wife mentioned the other day that she was thinking about her New Year's resolution for 2014. I said to her, "Did you keep last year's resolution?". "No", was the reply. In fact she freely admitted to never keeping resolutions.

"What's stopping you from starting now?", was my next question. It got her thinking and she's decided to start making plans now to implement some positive changes to her health and fitness.

Why do we feel the need to wait for a milestone to pass before we start something? New Year's resolutions are never kept. I never kept mine. In fact, it was only a few of years ago when I abandoned the whole idea of starting and keeping a New Year's resolution. I do keep a theme for the year that I can group goals under, but that's all it is. A theme for the year.

Don't wait.

Start now.

Write down what you want to achieve next year now and start making a list of next actions towards making those achievements. Do it now.

What's the point in waiting for a holiday or birthday to roll by before you start taking action? Age is just a number and so is the year. There's nothing special about them that will make you achieve your goals.

Get the notepad and pen out and start that list now. Start working towards your goals now. Get the jumpstart on the year and start it knowing you've already achieved something before the this year is finished and that the next achievement is just around the corner and not 12 months away.

New Year's Day is just another day on the calendar. So is today. Don't wait for the end of the year. Start now.