I mentioned previously that I was interested in building a replacement bookmarking application for my bookmark collection on Pinboard. I wanted something a little more than just lists of bookmarks, I wanted more information when viewing an individual bookmark. Here's some things I wanted to see:

  • What else have I bookmarked from this site?
  • What else have I bookmarked with similar tags?
  • What did I bookmark before and after this?

In the last few weeks, I've been putting together my own private bookmarking application. So far I have enough functionality that I can use it on a day to day basis and it also includes some end points so that I can integrate it with other apps and services. So without further ado, here's a sneak peak of the sections that make up a bookmark page in my private bookmarking application, Linkalong.

Big title

There's no getting away from the title. It's big and bold. Lately I have been building web sites and applications with bigger text in them. A lot of websites have very small text which I am finding increasingly difficult to read. For this bookmarking application I wanted a big and bold title.

Markdown based notes

I love writing notes in Markdown. Even if my notes in my notebook sometimes have the Markdown markup in them. Crazy, right? Markdown's markup is just second nature now when I am writing. It makes sense then for the notes for my bookmarks to be written in Markdown and rendered as HTML.

Bookmarks from the same site

When I used Pinboard, I had tags for bookmarks from the same site. It allowed me to view all bookmarks from the same site. Although it would be easy to do with tags in my own application, I wanted to list bookmarks from the same site without having to tag all relevant bookmarks with the same tag.

Bookmarks with the same tags

Just like seeing bookmarks from the same site, I wanted to see bookmarks with similar tags.

Nearby bookmarks

Finally I wanted to see the bookmarks that I saved before and after this one. So at the bottom of the page I added links to those respective bookmarks.

Building Linkalong has been fun and it's definitely by no means finished. It's served two purposes for me. It's my replacement for Pinboard and it is a place where I can try out new things with an application that I use everyday. If you're looking for the whole page, you can view a screenshot of that here.

Thanks to Patrick Rhone for his initial indirect nudge to building this.