If I'm being honest, I can't exactly remember how I stumbled across Steven's blog. It was a few years ago at least. Anyway, ever since I subscribed to Steven's blog, it's been a treasure of writing tips, practices and great books by Steven.

The first book I read of Steven's was Do the Work. I also read a second book by Steven, Turning Pro. When I first read these books I didn't appreciate their value, but over the last year, I've returned to them more and more found them to be extremely valuable. As for Steven's other books, I have them on a list to read for next year.

Steven's blog is essential for anyone who wants to write. Steven tells it like it is and doesn't sugar coat any of the writing process. It's a hard journey for those involved but he isn't shy in saying that it is a rewarding journey with a great prize at the end for those that are willing to put in the work.

Another great blog to follow if writing is your thing.