While the rest of the family were getting ready this morning, I sat at the edge of my bed and checked out the two websites I quickly look at every morning. The BBC News website and the Hacker News website. After quickly scanning today's headlines I moved on to the Hacker News website. I noticed a submission for Alfred 2 workflows. Mental note made, I must check that out later on.

Once the house was empty, I grabbed a coffee and looked at the Alfred 2 workflows. All good stuff and should help me on a day to day basis, but then I noticed a workflow for something called Dash. Another tab opened and there it was, an offline documentation manager for various languages and frameworks that web developers use. All the documentation I need to do my job without having to go near the browser and I can even work offline if needed, safe in the knowledge that most of the docs I need are accessible.

I could have done with knowing about this months ago. Late to the party again.

It's okay though, because that's what learning and experience is all about. Picking up the tools and knowledge as we go along. Sure we can get a head start by reading someone's tool list and start using all their recommendations but I've yet to read one of these lists where the person has all the tools that I need to use as a web developer. No one person has all the answers.

Okay so you're late to the party with an application or service that would have made your job easier in the past, but the past is gone. Ahead lies the future and with it plenty of chances for you to use that new tool to make your job easier.

You might be late to the party, but it least you made it.