I'm ashamed to admit it, but I really don't have enough of my code available for others to see. I'm not talking about finished web sites and applications for clients. I'm talking about, ideas, prototypes and other stuff. Things I have just hacked on or built for the fun of it. I can't remember adding or updating any projects on Github account for a long time.

Being a web developer means that all my work or at least the bulk of it is visible on the web. This isn't always going be the case though. Most of the work I do is for the back end of websites. The wiring and plumbing side of it. The parts you don't see. That's no excuse though for the lack of code I have published though.

The web is my playground. I should take more advantage of it and publish more of my ideas in code form. Writing code and fixing problems is how I earn money. Perhaps showing problems being fixed with my code is a better way marketing myself.