In the past I've tried to read two books every month. One fiction, one non-fiction. In the last couple of years though I have rarely been able to do this. Ultimately, I don't have that much free time to read, so instead I'm reducing my expectations and setting myself a goal of just one book a month. Here's my proposed reading list for the next six months:

  • Frictionless Freelancing - It's been a hectic six months and I'm glad I made the jump to freelancing, but there's still so much more that I need to learn about.
  • Pragmatic Thinking and Learning - I've had this on my list of books to read for years. Thought it was definitely time to purchase it.
  • Crafting Rails 4 Applications - Rails 4 has been released. No time like the present to get myself up to speed.
  • The Mauritius Command - I'm currently halfway through book 3 of the Aubrey/Maturin series and I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait to start this.
  • War of the Roses - Stormbird - Conn Igggulden's Emperor and Conqueror series are some of favourite books of all time. If the quality of them are anything to go by then Stormbird will be another cracking read.
  • The Second World War - Ever since I was kid, I have been fascinated by the Second World War. The planes, the tactics and the politics behind the countries involved. I've heard so many good reviews of this book I had to add it to my list.