This afternoon I said goodbye to my Twitter handle, @matthewlang and deactivated my account there. It's been a move I've been thinking a lot about over the last few weeks. Since the start of the year my Twitter use has really declined. I just don't have the time for Twitter, and I was increasingly finding it to be more of a distraction than anything else.

In the last few weeks I've deleted my Google account and now another aspect of my on-line presence is gone. And it's no bad thing either. Having lots of networks and profiles attached to your name isn't a good thing in my book. Stretching yourself across multiple networks and services takes a lot of your time. That's time I just don't have.

There are of course accounts on networks and services I do have like LinkedIn and Github, but these are important to me and they don't require a lot of time.

I also have a personal website and blog that I post to on a daily basis. I find that writing for my blog gives me more to say on a topic than Twitter ever could. Given the choice between spending time on Twitter or writing for my blog, I'd much rather spend the time writing for my blog.