Today I did my first Capistrano deployment. Yes, that’s right. My first. Any experienced Ruby developers might be wondering how I haven't used Capristrano in the past. I simply chose not to use it.

When Rails was in its infancy, Capistrano emerged as the default way for Rails developers to automate their deployments, but one thing that put me off was the amount of work that would be involved in getting it up and running. Scripts, SSH, source code management, web servers and databases. It all sounded a bit much.

Then Heroku came along and I smiled. I could deploy my application with a single command. In the past I’ve always opted to use Heroku and during my brief stint in an agile team we used Engine Yard for hosting our applications. Again deployment was as easy as a click of a button.

I’ll admit it. I’m lazy. I hate having to muck about with configuration settings, command line arguments, options and other little details to get things working.

As a developer I’ve come across hundreds of tools, editors, applications, libraries and services that help me do my job. One thing that sticks for my preferred selection of tools that I continue to re-use are the ones that just work and require little work to get working. Platform services like Heroku and Engine Yard fit this criteria perfectly.

Yes I probably should have some knowledge on using Capistrano but the ease of a single click deployment is hard to beat.

At the end of the day I just want to ship code.