When I started working on Journalong over a year ago, the primary goal for building it was to scratch an itch. I wanted an online journal for my Dropbox. Putting a price on it and charging for it came a close second.

For me it was more important to build something useful rather than build something profitable. So why did I put a subscription price on Journalong? Mostly hope. Hope that a few people will take a recurring subscription on it and I would be able generate some side income from it.

It hasn't exactly worked out this way. Subscriptions are now almost non-existant and user activity is down for the last few months. I just don't have the time to focus on creating marketing for the site and generating more interest in Journalong. So I'm calling it a day on Journalong subscriptions.

AS of next week, I am going to start work on removing the subscriptions from Journalong and making it completely free for everyone. You heard me. Free. For. Everyone.

It's time to stop chasing rainbows.