Netter and netizen are just a couple of the words I've heard used to describe the people on The social network (dare I use the term) burst onto the scene in 2012 with promise of being a self sustaining ad-free social network that will be paid for by it's users by an annual subscription fee. I joined in August 2012 and now six months on, I'm still thoroughly enjoying the experience on

I still have my Twitter account and I now use it purely as a marketing tool for freelancing. I was on Twitter during the week, doing a quick poll from other developers. Within a few minutes of posting my tweet, the first in about a week, I got two follower requests from spam accounts and I also got a couple of replies to my question from spam accounts.That's what really gets me about Twitter. It's the spam. With a majority of the tweets I make, I end up with a couple of new follower requests from vague accounts that I would rather didn't follow me. On though things are a little difference. The subscription fee is the perfect entry barrier to weed out spam accounts. I've never have to block a vague account on there's the people. Okay, I'm missing a few people on that are on Twitter, but then there's people on who aren't on Twitter. It's a whole different crowd. On Twitter I mainly follow other developers who work with the Ruby programming language but on I'm following a wider range of people. A wider range means different content to read on a daily basis.

Finally there's the features that are rolling out. In the past few months, private messaging and file storage have been two big announcements in Now these might be conceived as typical features for a social network, but where is different is that these features were built to be transparent and easily managed by's users. Take the file storage within With just a click, I can export all the files I have stored in so that I can take them elsewhere. Yes other social networks might offer this, but built this in from the start. Features are built with the user in mind, not with advertising in mind.I'm glad to be part of a social network that puts its users first. It definitely beats being another cog in an advertising platform.