Having multiple social networks can be a real headache if you're trying to manage them all at once. When I created my App.net profile and made that my new home, I stopped posting to Twitter for a few months. Also I have only just re-created a LinkedIn account in the last few months. Recently I have stuck with posting only to one network, but with Twitter and LinkedIn sitting in hibernation, I thought it might be a good idea to use them. With the freelancing way of working now in full swing, I am toying with the idea of using Twitter and LinkedIn to share updates to my availability for contracts and interesting links from the web development world.

Using these networks to market myself as a freelancer is a great way of using these networks without me just abandoning them for one network. The truth is that these days people are rarely exclusive members of one single network. I know there is people who share all their updates across all networks, but I think that is counterproductive. This can take up a lot of your time, especially when you start getting replies from different people on different networks.

What I will be doing is continually posting to App.net anything that I wish, but for my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, I'll be sharing blog posts on freelancing, web development and availability as well as sharing interesting links on web development using Ruby and hopefully other languages. I'm getting the tools in place I need to make this happen, namely a Buffer account and perhaps some triggers setup on IFTTT if needed.

Hopefully this will result in more leads for freelancing work and also increase my reputation in these networks as a web developer who is passionate about what he does. We'll see how it goes.