For a few months now I have been thinking about reducing my time spent on Twitter. When I first started using Twitter, I used it solely for the purpose of finding useful tips and links for Ruby on Rails and conversing with the rest of the Ruby community. Now though it seems that there's less and less interesting stuff being posted on Twitter and most people use it for day to day stuff. That's all well and good if that's what you use Twitter for, but I'm starting to find that it's not for me.

The flip side of this is that I need another avenue to post my thoughts and other nonsense, which is why I going to be publishing more and more things on my blog.

After reading Scott Hanselman's post on the subject, it's pretty much cemented my feelings on the matter and I'm going to limit my time on Twitter for the foreseeable future. I'm still going to auto-post links from my blog to my Twitter account and the odd post from Path but other than that there won't be much activity on my timeline.

So where can you contact me then? Email always works. You can get me at matthew [at], and I'm also on Path as well if you're interested.