So tonight, I deployed my first version of a plain text journalling product to Heroku. It's finally up and running! Those little hours here and there are finally paying off and now I have scratched the initial itch and provided a better way to write to my journal from anywhere.

After the excitement of deployment and seeing it work I was then tempted to power on through for another couple of hours and start the real work of implementing basic features, styling web pages and other things.

I'm going to hold back though and wait for another window of time to work on it. For the moment it's doing the most basic functional thing it needs to do, which is better than nothing. Yeah, it might be great sitting up for another couple of hours, but I'll only be robbing myself of energy from tomorrow. Also by the sounds of the weather on the window, I think it's going to be a hell of a cycle getting into work in the morning.

So until I can schedule more code time with my side-product, I'll hold back.